Johnsons 2 Brazil

“For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10 “… not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9

We are Baptist Missionaries to Brazil doing our part to reach the world through Brazil with the Word of God in this generation.

Our Mission

Our ministry has a two-fold purpose.  First, to win lost souls to Christ.  Second, to train and disciple those who are saved to serve God. Here are some of the tools we use to fulfil this mission. 

Winning Souls and Discipleship

We are fulfilling the great commission through door-to-door soul-winning, leading Brazilians to Christ.  We disciple them and do our best to fulfil the scripture, “teaching them to observe all things” 

Church Planting

We have planted two Brazilian Churches and have helped three other church planters as well. The last church, Primiera Igreja Batista de Parque Bristol,  is now pastored by a Brazilian national.

Training Nationals

Rebekah Johnson is in the process of developing a homeschool curriculum that the Brazilian Church can use for their members or even start a christian school. 

We have developed an all inclusive Sunday School Curriculum for the churches.  With this a church can teach the same material to every age group from nursery through  adult so a family can learn and grow through the Word of God together. 


Radio Ministry

We are excited to launch an online radio ministry.  The population of the greater São Paulo region is over 24 million people.  With an online radio ministry we will be able to reach far beyond this number into the entire Portuguese speaking world.  Jeff has been instrumental in helping us acquire programming material for the radio broadcasts. 

Publishing Ministry

We have been actively translating God-centered books for the Brazilian people. We also work to provide a single location for trustworthy materials to provide help to churches across Brazil. With this ministry we have been able to help churches all over the country edify and train their members.  Jeff has been a huge asset in this ministry outreach. He is essential in translation work and with book cover design.

Camp and Conference Outreach

We have been privileged to preach in many conferences and camps. We have preached up north to the isolated people of the Amazon region as well as in the souther region of Brazil. David will be instrumental in expanding our camp and conference outreach. 

About the Team

Bryan and Rebekah Johnson are Independent Baptist Missionaries in Brazil. They went to the mission field of Brazil in 2005 where they have faithfully served our Lord Jesus Christ. They are currently at their third church plant.   They have reared their three boys, Jeff, David, and Lee for the service of our Lord.

 David and Lily arrived in Brazil July of 2023 while Jeff and Rebecka are on deputation raising the funds needed to go to Brazil as well. Lee and Liz are serving with Youth for Christ in Indiana.

You can signup for our prayer letters below.

Brazil needs you!

You can get involved right now. Together we can make a difference in Brazil! 


Pray for our team and for our nationals. 


Get Connected

Stay connected through our social media and email updates.

Take a Missions Trip

Schedule a missions trip with us!  We would love to host you.  We have been hosting missions trips since 2014. 


Contribute to our ministry through this donate button.  Your investment will help with the furtherance of the gospel. 


bryan behind a pulpit

Current support levels

All of us should be involved in the Great Commission.  Not all christians should go to the foreign field, but all should pray for and give to those who do! Part of the call of a missionary on deputation is to challenge the church to pray more, give more, and challenge some to surrender to go to the mission field. This is all a part of the ministry of deputation.

Bryan & Rebekah
Jeff & Rebecka
David & Lily

Our Mission Field of Brazil

Just a few numbers about the largest country in South America, Brazil.

Million People
0 +
Largest Population
0 th
Roman Catholic
0 %
0 %

Latest Prayer Letters

Thank you for your interest in our ministry. We would be honored if you would sign up to our E-Prayer Letter list (at the bottom of the page) to receive our prayer letters via email. Here are the most recent prayer letters so you can see the latest news about the Johnsons ministry in Brazil and on the deputation trail.

Jeff Johnson January 2025

Dear Praying and Supporting Friends,   Ministry Update:  Praise the Lord, we are at 40% support. We are praying to have our support fully raised by the end of 2025. Many meetings are in the schedule for the new year; please pray that any empty slots will be filled soon.   Family Update:   Thank you for praying […]

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Dear Friends, 

Happy 2025! We hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Praise the Lord, we had a great, though busy, end of the year. In the middle of November, we were able to participate in a nearby church camp. We had a couple of families from our church participate and […]

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Our Grandson is here

Dear Praying and Supporting Friends, Ministry News In the last week of August, we had four people graduate from discipleship. Praise the Lord, all of them have taken on another person to train and disciple. We are excited to see this step of growth in our church family. We have been blessed with a number […]

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David and Lily October 2024

Dear Friends,  Thank you all so much for your continued prayers and support. Praise the Lord, we have had a good, but busy couple of months. My parents headed back to the States on a furlough the first week of September, so we have been taking care of the church in their stead. It has […]

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David and Lily August 2024

Dear Friends,  We have had an exciting couple of months with a lot going on here in Brazil. During the last weekend in June, our teens were able to be a part of the first annual teen conference at my uncle’s church in Taubaté. God greatly used that time and called Gustavo, a young teen […]

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Three surrender to full-time Christian service

Dear praying and Supporting Friends, Compassion Baptist Church God has been good.  Thank you for praying for Jorge, Vanessa, and Bruna.  They have been coming more faithfully.  God recently spared Jorge from serious injury when he was hit and dragged by a car while making deliveries for his job on his motorcycle.  He had emergency surgery on […]

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We have started two new podcasts in English. One is "The Bible in History" and the second is "Building Families in the Faith"

Also on YouTube

“The Bible in History” and “Building Families in the Faith” are also available on YouTube. Subscribe today!

The Bible in History

Join us as we explore the Bible and how it directly relates to world history.  Learn about what was going on around the world as events in the Bible unfolded. 

Building Families in the Faith

Join us as we teach lessons and give tools to make your marriage fantastic; and your child rearing a blessing.