David and Lily Johnson
Third Generation Missionaries to Brazil.
About Us
David Johnson
David was born into a missionary home and was saved at the age of 4. He was always willing to be a missionary and for most of his life has been telling people that he would be. In September of 2020, God confirmed the call to missions in David's life. David graduated from Hyles-Anderson College in 2020 where he met his wife Lily. They have been happily married since January 2, 2021.

About Us
Lily Johnson
Lily was born to a first generation Christian family and was able to grow up in a good church. When she was 13 years old, Lily knew that she needed to get saved and after speaking to her pastor's daughter about it she accepted Christ. Lily has always been surrendered to do whatever God wants and once she met David, God made it clear that that would be serving on the mission field of Brazil.
These are some of the ministries that David and Lily will be involve with in Brazil.
Church Planting
The main goal of the Johnson family is to plan indigenous local churches in Brazil. David and Lily will be helping in his parents' church while learning under their leadership and then plan to be involved in planting churches in the São Paulo region. All of their other ministries revolve around the local church. Each ministry is an extension of the local church and has the goal of training others to be able to reproduce through both new Christians and new churches.
Soul Winning
One of the main ministries that the Johnsons will be involved with is that of Soul Winning. This is the main responsibility of Christians and local churches and will be a key part of every week.
Homeschool Curriculum
David is helping his parents write and produce homeschool curriculum in Portuguese. In the future he may also record science and math teaching videos for this curriculum.
Online Radio Ministry
David and Lily will be helping record and produce both music and programing for the online radio station that his parents have started.
Camp Ministry
One of the Johnsons future goals is to start a camp ministry in the São Paulo area. This has been one of David's burdens since he was a teenager.
Support Level
The Whole Team
David and Lily will be working with David's parents and brother both directly and indirectly.

Jeff and Rebecka Johnson
On deputation raising support to go to Brazil.

Bryan and Rebekah Johnson
Serving in Brazil since 2005.

David and Lily Johnson
Serving in Brazil since July 20, 2023
Million people in Brazil
Million people in São Paulo
Contact Us:
+1 (219) 427-9226
3975 Calhoun St
Gary, IN 46408