Merry Christmas! from Bryan Johnson

Dear Praying and Supporting Friends.  

Igreja Batista Compaixão

By the grace of God, we have been able to raise $42,000 for our building.  We thank each and every church and individual who has helped us get this far.  We are asking others to consider prayerfully contributing so that our church could have a permanent home.  We were hoping to finance the rest here in Brazil but have found that will not be possible due to our American income.  We will need to raise the additional $118,000 through donations and our church’s hard work. The owner has come down on an already amazing price.  God has gotten us this far and we believe he will send us the rest.  If you have not already given we ask you to prayerfully consider giving so our church can have a permanent home.  You may give through BIMI.

We now have one family and seven individuals who have begun discipleship with us this last month.  We are so pleased to have so many people who are choosing to take the next step in Spiritual growth.  We have also had a recent surge in visitors.  Praise the Lord for the salvation of Ana Paula while we were out shopping and for the salvation of Terezina in the last two weeks. 

Radio Compaixão

Thanks to a generous gift from one of our supporting churches we were able to launch a salvation video and an online radio station in Mozambique. Praise the Lord, we have been able to reach over 45,000 people in Mozambique with the gospel and with our radio station.  Hundreds of people have reached out to us.  Pray that many souls in Mozambique come to Christ and grow in Christ through this outreach.  It is our desire to reach all of the Portuguese-speaking world with the gospel. 


In June we held our first annual pastors/ missionary conference. It was a tremendous blessing.  We had 27 pastors and missionaries who attended.  We had two salvations and several men surrendered to full-time Christian service.  The preaching was powerful and many pastors reported to us how encouraged they were by the conference.  Pastors and their wives are looking forward to the conference next year.    We have also taken on two new missionary workers here in Brazil.  We are praising God for the growth in our mission board. 

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. 

In His Service, 

Bryan and Rebekah Johnson

São Caetano do Sul, Brazil