Jeff Johnson October 2022

Dear Praying and Supporting Friends,  

Ministry Update:  

Thank you for your prayers. We have had several local meetings in Michigan and Indiana these past few months as well as one meeting in South Carolina. God has showed us so much love in these meetings. The church members have all been so kind, and we have gained more prayer support as well as financial support. Praise the Lord for safety as we traveled near and far as well as for His provisions. 

God has also given us the opportunity to trade our van in recently for a car that gives us better gas mileage. Already, the new vehicle has proved to be a blessing, and the many miles of deputation will quickly put this car to work. 

Pray for us as we have been in California since the beginning of the month and will continue to be here until mid-November. We have already had some wonderful meetings and conferences and are looking forward to several more. 

Special Update

We are excited to announce that my parents church is currently working to raise funds to purchase their own property. The building they are looking at is three stories with plenty of room for growth in the coming years. This building will also give the church several rooms for Sunday School classes and the nursery.  

We are excited about the progress that we have already seen. The goal is to raise $35,000 by October 28th for the down payment, and $160,000 by the end of December for the whole cost of the building. We have been able to raise over $20,000 already and believe that God will help us raise the remaining funds. If you are interested in donating or learning more about this project, please visit: 

Prayer Requests

Funding for the property in Brazil 
Traveling mercies 
More meetings to be scheduled 
Our health as we travel  

In Christ,  

Jeff and Rebecka Johnson 
Missionaries to Brazil