David and Lily Johnson May 2023

Dear friends, 

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We are excited to report that we are at 90% of our support! We got to be home with some local meetings in the Midwest before heading out to the Northeast for about a month. God blessed our meetings there and we have now gone back home before finishing our last 7 meetings. We will be able to spend some time at home and with Lily’s family between meetings as we near our departure on June 27. We have sad news as well. We found out that we cannot take our dog to Brazil due to his breed. There are no airlines that will allow him to fly, so we are praying about finding him a good home. Pray that we will be able to find him a home soon, so that we can know he is situated before we head off to Brazil. 

I was able to finish the process for getting our Brazilian marriage license and we are now able to move on to Lily’s visa. We are praying that we will have enough time to finish the process before the end of June. Pray that God would give us wisdom in the application process as it can be rather complicated. This visa will give Lily one year in Brazil to be able to apply for a more permanent visa once we are there. Pray that the Lord would help this process to go smoothly and that there would not be any snags along the way. I am also in the process of updating my Brazilian passport, so pray we can get all of that done. 

We have had several opportunities to go soul winning over the last couple of months. We were able to invite several people to church along with giving out many tracts. One of the people that I witnessed to was not ready to pray and accept Christ, but said he would do it later that day. I encouraged him to read through the tract with his wife and to pray and ask God to save him. I gave his name and address to the pastor of the church and am praying that he did call on the name of the Lord to save him.  

I will have the opportunity to get ordained on May 14 at our home church. I was able to have my ordination council over Zoom which allowed my father to be a part of the council. It was a blessing to have my dad be a part of that moment. My parents were also able to fly in to the States for my ordination service and will be there with me on the 14th. What a blessing to be able to serve God along side of my parents. 

The new church building in Brazil is coming along slowly, but we have made some progress. My parents were able to sign an agreement with the realtor and are working on transferring the money for the purchase. Pray that the exchange rate will be high for the transfer, as that will determine how much we have to work with in Brazil. The dollar has slowly been dropping, but we need it to be over 5 Brazilian Reais to have what we need. God has been so good through this whole process and we trust that He will provide through the end. Thank you for your prayers. God bless. 

David and Lily Johnson

Missionaries to Brazil

Psalm 139:14