David and Lily Johnson May 2022

Dear friends, 

God is so good! In our last update, we asked for prayer about our car. God answered those prayers. On the first of April, God gave us a new car through the ministry of Calvary Baptist Church in Royce City, Texas. It is a 2014 Toyota Camry and actually has A/C! It has been such a joy to drive it, knowing that God provided it for us. It was also a blessing to see how God had already started giving back to the people who gave so that we could have a safe and reliable car. The longer we serve God, the more we get to see His hand of blessing in our lives. It is truly an amazing life serving God. 

As we enter our 7th month of deputation we have just over a quarter of our support raised and are at 26%. God has been faithful to bring us to the right churches to partner with in our ministry. These last two months we have been in Texas, with a couple of meetings in Oklahoma. It has been great to spend a little time down here where it is warm, while it was snowing back home in Indiana.  

One of the hardest things as we travel is finding places to stay. As you can imagine, staying at hotels all of the time can get very expensive. Because of that, we try to stay at churches’ missions apartments or prophet’s chambers as often as we can. Between meetings it can be very difficult to find and schedule places to stay, but God opened several places for us to stay while here in Texas. We are again so amazed at the care and fellowship that comes with being a part of the family of God. 

Near the end of April, God brought an amazing opportunity our way. We were at the store shopping for some food when a family walked by. I heard one of the children speaking in Portuguese! I asked them, in Portuguese, if they were from Brazil and found out that they were. The father is a bull rider and competes in the U.S. on a professional level. We were able to talk with them and I witnessed to them in Portuguese. Both of the parents were very attentive and when I finished speaking, they both prayed, and I believe they got saved! We gave them the information for our online Portuguese christian radio station and our contact information as well. If we do not see them again in person, we will surely see them in Heaven! 

Continue to pray for our travels and that God would bring us to the right churches. Also pray for us to be able to get some Brazilian paperwork done. We have to do the paperwork in Chicago and will not be home very often to be able to go. We need to get several things done there including our Brazilian marriage certificate, full citizenship for me, and an updated passport. It will probably take several visits and quite a bit of time, so just pray that God would work it out in our schedule. Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. God bless. 

David and Lily Johnson

Missionaries to Brazil

Psalm 139:14