Children winning children to Christ

Dear Praying and Supporting Friends,

Ministry News

We wanted to share with you something that really warmed our hearts.  In our last prayer letter we mentioned  the salvation of little Gustavo.  He very quickly began to express deep concern for other members of his family who were not saved.  In Sunday school he asked Rebekah if she could teach him how to win his family to Christ.  Rebekah immediately began adapting our salvation flashcard material into a Sunday school curriculum for kids.  Gustavo worked very hard to memorize each verse and what to say.  In class, Rebekah would be the unsaved soul and would answer in all sorts of funny ways so the children would know how to respond.  Gustavo and his family went on vacation to his grandmother’s house.  We had already talked with the grandmother and found out she had gotten saved many years ago; however, all of the cousins are not saved.  Gustavo went to work.  By the end of the week he had led his 9 year old cousin and two neighbor children to Christ!  He came back so excited.  He is already praying about how to approach his teenage cousins, and aunts and uncles about Jesus.   His sister, Vanessa, told us that he witnesses to his 3 year old sister every day.  This is what it is all about! 

We are just about ready to launch an on-line radio station.  There are no available station channels in the greater Sao Paulo region. We are excited about the programming we have already been able to get a hold of.  We will have the gospel presented several times every day.  We also will have programming for Christian growth.  

Family News

Our two eldest sons, Jeff and David have started deputation under BIMI.  We are anxious for them to arrive here in Brazil. If you would like to learn more about them you can visit

Rebekah recently went through a serious illness.  It started with a severe intestinal infection.  She was on three different antibiotics.  She was really quite ill and was “out of commission”  for about a month.  She is feeling much better now.  

In His Service

Bryan and Rebekah Johnson
São Caetano do Sul, São Paulo, Brazil