Bryan & Rebekah Johnson – June prayer letter

Dear Praying and Supporting Friends.

Ministry News
Praise the lord that we are entering the final steps to purchase our building. We hope to have the keys
and begin cleaning and remodelling the building by the end of June.

Since our last prayer letter, we held our annual ladies’ conference. The meeting went well and the
ladies enjoyed what they heard. I was also privileged to travel to a city 6 hours from our home to
preach at their missions conference. Praise the Lord, their faith promise amount rose up 30%.

We had a minor setback in February after coming home from camp to find water pouring out of our
building from every floor. A part in our water box broke on the day we left for camp flooding our
home, church, and basement. While we did lose things the biggest loss was to our radio station
computer. Praise the Lord, God has already supplied a new computer for the radio station. We are
online and have most of the programming back on the air. Pray for the station as it is reaching further
into Brazil and Mozambique. We would like to officially advertise and launch the station in Angola at
the end of this year. We aim to reach the entire Portuguese-speaking world with the gospel and God-centered preaching, teaching, and music.

Family News
Praise the Lord, we were able to be in the States for 2 weeks and take part in our son, David’s
ordination. He and his wife, Lily will be flying from the States, Lord willing, to join us on the mission
field at the end of June. We are so excited to see them come. Pray for them as they finish up the visa
paperwork for Lily. Also be in prayer for our son Jeff and his wife, Rebecka as they continue to raise
support to come to Brazil.

In His Service,
Bryan and Rebekah Johnson