David and Lily Johnson Nov. 2022

Dear friends, 

Thank you for your prayers and support. We just finished up a great missions conference season. We were in 7 different conferences in 7 different states/provinces everywhere from Texas to Ontario, Canada. It was a really busy couple of months, but God blessed us and took care of us in wonderful ways. We are continually amazed at the love and generosity of God’s people. In addition to the countless gifts we were given God has allowed several new churches to partner with us bringing our support level to almost 60%! As we approach our June goal, God has been providing for us and growing our faith in what He can do.  

One of our many joys as we travel is the opportunity to go out soul winning with a church family. As I have mentioned before, this can often be difficult as we are normally traveling on the days that church families normally go out. With missions conferences that changes a little, so we had several opportunities to go out with the church families. On one of those occasions we went out visiting on one of the churches bus routes. We had a wonderful time meeting the riders and inviting new people to church. One of the visits that I was able to make was to a new contact. While we were there we had the opportunity to share the gospel with her and she sweetly accepted Christ as her personal Savior! It is always such a great joy to see people accepting Christ! I was also able to invite a Brazilian family to church at one of our conferences and, though my time with them was brief, I believe that I was able to plant a small seed for the gospel. Pray that they would also accept Christ. 

Several things have happened in Brazil over the last couple months. My family has been able to raise $41,000 for the church building we would like to purchase. This is enough for a good down payment, but we still need $120,000 to pay off the building. We will need to raise the remaining money within a year as my parents were unable to acquire a loan in Brazil. If you would like to know more about the building and participating please visit our website (https://johnsons2brazil.com/make-a-difference/). 

Brazil also just had their presidential election and the Socialist/Communist candidate got in by less than a percent. Because of this, most of Brazil has started protesting. They are  pleading for military intervention. It is a very uncertain time in Brazil and there have already been several families prosecuted for homeschooling their children. Pray that God would protect our homeschool families and work through this trying time in Brazil. Also pray that missionaries will not have to leave the country under the new leadership. 

We fly out to Brazil in less than a week on November 14. We will be there for 3 weeks and are so excited for the visit. We will be looking at a couple different houses and helping in the church while we are there. We will also get to be involved in the Christmas cantata, which we are bringing several things for in our suitcases. Pray that we would have a safe trip and that there would not be any complications on either side. We will be flying out of Miami, FL just a few days after a minor hurricane. As always, thank you for your continued prayers and support. God bless. 

David and Lily Johnson

Missionaries to Brazil

Psalm 139:14