David Johnson March 2022

Dear friends, 

We are now 5 months into full-time deputation. God has blessed us with an additional 10% since we last reported, bringing our support level to 18%! We had several meetings in NW Indiana in January, which allowed us to spend more time at our home. It was very refreshing to be in our own bed. At the beginning of February we headed out to Virginia and have spent several weeks out here. We are getting ready to head down to Texas later this month, so pray that God would give us safety on that trip. We will be there for about 2 months visiting different churches in central Texas before heading back north. 

We have had the pleasure to meet so many different people on deputation. We have been able to enjoy so much fellowship, and it is all because we have one thing in common; Christ Jesus. Sometimes we stay and fellowship long after the service is over. In fact, there was one service that we stayed at the church until midnight fellowshipping with different church members and then the pastor. It has been wonderful to make so many new friends as we travel. The best part is knowing that we will see them again, even if it is not in this life. What a wonderful thought that we will have all of eternity to have perfect fellowship with countless people who have Christ in common. 

Pray for our vehicle as we travel. We drive a little Mazda that I bought during college, which is over 20 years old. It drives great and gives us really good fuel economy, but its age is starting to show. Due to rust in the undercarriage, I have had to rig the exhaust several different times to keep it on the car. Almost all of the mounts are gone and the last few are starting to fall off. There are little things here and there, such as the fuel pump, that we may need to fix or replace soon. There are some things, however, that would not be feasible to repair if they broke, simply because there is too much rust. God has been good to provide for us and we trust that He will continue to do so with the car. It is something, however, that we would appreciate your prayers on. 

Thank you so much for your prayers. We can’t wait to see what God will do in these next few months as we continue to travel on deputation. Just this last week we were able to minster in a children’s church and God allowed us to see at least 5 young people saved! We are always so excited to se people trust Christ and we look forward to those opportunities. Continue to pray that God would allow us to get to Brazil by the summer of 2023. We know God can do it and we are praying that He will. God bless you all. 

David and Lily Johnson

Missionaries to Brazil

Psalm 139:14