Merry Christmas from the Bryan Johnsons

Dear Praying and Supporting Friends,

Ministry News

God has been so good in these last few months.  We have been very busy here at Compassion Baptist Church.  As government restrictions have begun to lift more and more we have been able to go back out inviting people to church.  This is a blessed relief after nearly 2 years of restrictions.   We have seen visitors come to our services.  Pray in particular for Regis.  He actually stopped in front of our church almost out of gas.  One of our men, Saulo, kindly brought him in and sat with him.  After church we were able to witness to him and help him out with a tank of gas for his car.  Regis, like so many adults, is very confused by the Pentecostal religious beliefs and did not get saved.  He has come back several times and we are praying his mind and heart will finally be open to the gospel. 

In November Carol, one of our church ladies,  arranged for all the women in her apartment building to come to her house for a special afternoon tea.  Rebekah went and spoke to the ladies and was able to share the gospel with them all.  The women have asked if Rebekah would come back and do this again.  Pray that they will clearly understand and accept Christ.  Most of these women are from a staunch Catholic background.  

Patricia is a young single woman who is attending our church.  She has so many questions and has been growing in the Lord.  Every week she takes a stack of tracts, John and Romans, and Bibles and passes them out to people as she walks to work.  She is very burdened about her co-workers.  Her spirit is a joy to see. 

We are also excited to announce that we have launched a new online radio station in Portuguese.  Rádio Compaixão (Compassion)  is now fully on the air.  We already have listeners all over Brazil as well as in Portugal.  We are planning on advertising this station in Africa in the Portuguese speaking countries as well.  Every day the plan of salvation is broadcast several times.  We also have conservative Christian music, preaching, and programming to encourage strong Christian families.  We have already received a lot of positive feedback.  We believe this radio station will be a tool to reach and grow Portuguese speaking Christians around the world.  Pray with us that our outreach will extend to all Portuguese speaking countries.  If you would like to check it out, go to our church web page  and click play.

The homeschool ministry is really taking off.  More and more mothers are reaching out to us for help on how to educate and rear their children in a Christian way.  Pray that we have strength, and wisdom as we guide  these families, and prepare material for their young students.  Our burden and desire is that this material will help a new generation of Brazilian Christians stand up for God and be able to serve God with all their heart, soul and mind.  We are desperate for Brazilian Christian who are truly committed to the cause of Christ. 

Family News

We are doing well.  Our sons Jeff and David are both busy raising their support to return to Brazil.  God has been very good to our family. 

 Thank you so much for your constant prayer and support.  We could not do what we do without you.  God bless you with a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

In His Service,

Bryan and Rebekah Johnson
Sao Caetano do Sul, Sao Paulo, Brazil