David Johnson November 2021

Dear Friends,

Praise the Lord! We are a month and a half into full-time deputation and God has been so good. Lily and I have been in 15 different churches so far between the states of Michigan, Ohio, and Illinois. During two different weeks, we had services every night and in several different states. Between all of the churches, we have driven over 6000 miles  in only a month and a half. God is providing and His people are so generous. We had a few love offerings that were simply overwhelming. The Lord always provides for those who choose to serve Him.

In the last couple of weeks we have had 4 churches take us on for support. These are our first supporting churches! We are now at a little over 3% of our total support goal. Many other churches will let us know in the following months. Pray that God would increase the faith of the church members through their giving. Each time we give to God we are simply investing in our eternity and you can never out-give God. (Matt. 6:20; Phil. 4:17&19)

As far as Brazil goes, we have heard that soccer (futebol) stadiums have just opened to full capacity. Lately, door-to-door soul-winning has been difficult for the missionaries in Brazil. Brazilians have been so afraid of the virus that often they are not willing to come to the door. Since the stadiums are opening back up, we are praying that people will not be so afraid and that there will be more opportunities to share the Gospel.

Pray for our safety as we travel and for our vehicle to do well, (our van has over 240,000 miles.) We have had no issues with our vehicle so far and are praying that God will let it survive all the way through deputation. Also, pray that God would continue to fill in our schedule. We have most of our services booked through the end of the year and many for next year. Pray that God would give us meetings at the right churches and at the right time. God has already given me the opportunity to help with some construction and repairs at a couple different churches. It is amazing how God gave me a job finishing houses then allowed me to use that to encourage pastors and churches on our deputation journey. Lily enjoys singing specials and playing a special missions offertory entitled, “Jesus Loves Me-around the world style.” Pray that the Lord will continue to give opportunities for us to be an encouragement and help to the churches we visit.

David and Lily Johnson

Missionaries to Brazil

Psalm 139:14